List of Articles

Development & Reproduction. Vol. 19, No. 3, 2015

Effects of Feeder Cell Types on Culture of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell In Vitro
Dev. Reprod. 2015;19(3):119-126.
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Comparison of Cell and Nuclear Size Difference between Diploid and Induced Triploid in Marine Medaka, Oryzias dancena
Dev. Reprod. 2015;19(3):127-134.
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Four Members of Heat Shock Protein 70 Family in Korean Rose Bitterling (Rhodeus uyekii)
Dev. Reprod. 2015;19(3):135-144.
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Positive Effects of Diphlorethohydroxycarmalol (DPHC) on the Stability of the Integument Structure in Diet-Induced Obese Female Mice
Dev. Reprod. 2015;19(3):145-152.
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Identification of Skeletal Deformities in Far Eastern Catfish, Silurus asotus under Indoor Aquaculture Condition
Dev. Reprod. 2015;19(3):153-161.
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Differences and Variations among Anguilla japonica, Muraenesox cinereus and Conger myriaster from the Yellow Sea
Dev. Reprod. 2015;19(3):163-166.
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